Woman running through poppy field with arms in freedom pose

Free for AIA Vitality Members

Congratulations on taking the first step towards making a positive change in your life.

Thanks to our partnership with AIA Vitality, their members can attend our quit smoking and quit alcohol seminars free of charge.

Allen Carr’s Easyway is different to other methods.

We won’t dwell on the scary side of smoking or drinking such as the health risks, expense, stigma, etc. Instead, we’ll show you how to view it from a different perspective and how it can actually be easy to quit without any awful withdrawals or anxiety.

We’ll help you understand the difference between physical and psychological addiction. We’ll explain habit, routine, withdrawals, cravings, social situations, stress, relaxation and once you truly understand how the smoking or alcohol traps work, it will be easy to stop without any sense of loss or ‘giving up’.

We know, because every Allen Carr facilitator quit with the method, so we get it.

Whilst most people just need one 6 hour session, the program comprises three different sessions for those that need a little extra help. All three sessions are included in this offer.

How it works

Quit Smoking & Vaping seminar

If you smoke, vape or take any form of nicotine, this is for you. Our quit smoking programme includes smoke breaks so you can carry on smoking until the end of the seminar when you’ll be well and truly ready to stop.

What’s more, you’ll receive 1,000 AIA Vitality points once you’ve been nicotine free for 3 months.

If you’re already a non-smoker/vaper, there’s no need to attend the seminar. Simply tick the Non-smoker’s declaration in your Vitality app and be rewarded with 1000 points.

Quit Alcohol seminar

If you’re drinking more than you would like or alcohol has become a concern for you, this 6 hour seminar will help change your thinking about alcohol and earn you 500 AIA Vitality points as a bonus!

Your Vitality points will be awarded on completion of the 6 hour seminar.

If you have any questions or would like to have a chat with someone who understands, call us on 0800 848 028, or if you're ready to take the next step towards freedom, book a seminar below. Make sure you have your Vitality membership number to hand to get your free place.

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