Allen Carr’s methodology has helped me free my life from addiction, literally saving my life three times.
I spent years torturing myself, trying to quit smoking using hypnotherapy, NRT, cold turkey and acupuncture.
I’d spent so long teaching myself to smoke in those early days, trying to be grown up, trying to be cool yet I had become so miserable with the world I had created for myself.
I attended Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking seminar in 2007 and it became the miracle I was looking for and so desperately needed.
That day changed my life and I’ve been free ever since, never wanting to smoke another cigarette. Not only was it easy, it now makes me happy every single day.
I had also always been an emotional eater and addicted to sugar.
My health was suffering; I had developed fatty liver and was suffering with inflammation. My self-esteem was at an all-time low and I struggled with my moods.
When it came to my eating I was completely out of control; in denial about where the source of my problem was really coming from.
Then I read Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Emotional Eating and the light came on. For reinforcement and clarification I attended the online seminar for sugar addiction.
It helped me realise the vicious cycle that I was in, and it was then that I was able to lose weight easily and painlessly. It was like a true revelation to me.
I now live in a world of energy, happiness and freedom. I have my energy for life back and live every day to the fullest. As an aside, my liver does not hurt anymore and the inflammation has gone.
I have been working with Allen Carr’s Easyway for over 6 years, helping people with addiction from all over the world, with my specialised areas being smoking, weight and sugar addiction, as well as support for alcohol.
I love helping people feel the way I do, especially when they have felt as desperate as I did.
It’s a privilege to help people understand Allen’s method. They are great days and I hope you’ll join me for one of them soon.